Ka whai a CS Unplugged i te kaupapa o te ako mā te waihanga; ka tukuna he wero ki ngā ākonga, kia whai ai rātou i ngā tikanga māmā hei whakaoti i ngā wero. Heoi anō, i a rātou e whakaoti ana i aua rapanga, ka puawai mai ō rātou ake whakaaro. Atu i te mau pai o te akoranga, ka kite hoki rātou ka taea e rātou te hopu i ēnei mātauranga. He ngohe rāwekeweke ēnei - mā te nui ake o ngā rauemi e pai ake ai te ako.
Nā tēnei kaupapa ako, ka taea hoki te ako tahi koutou ko āu ākonga. Pānuitia te katoa o te ngohe kia rite ai koe. Kua waihanga mātou i ngā kiriata mō ētahi ngohe kia kite ai koe i ngā mahi. Heoi, mā te wā ka kite atu koe ka mārama haere ngā ākonga ki ngā tauira me ngā whakaaro nui me ngā mātāpono mō ēnei kaupapa Pūtaiao Rorohiko.
If you're working within a school curriculum, you can find appropriate activities based on the learning objectives and age group. In several countries there are guides linking CS Unplugged to the local curriculum (e.g. Digital Technologies Hub for Australia). But the unit plans listed follow the common topics that are appearing in school curricula, so you are likely to find something relevant from the titles.
Note that CS Unplugged does not teach programming, but it does provide ways to support students with programming. There are activities such as Kidbots that provide an excellent lead into the ideas they will encounter when programming (such as sequence and debugging). There are also "Plugging it in" challenges that give some programming exercises to follow up from an Unplugged activity. These don’t teach students how to program, but will give students a chance to exercise their programming skills in a context relevant to an Unplugged activity that they have just experienced. There’s more information about using these here.
Heoi anō, ehara te pānui noa mō te Unplugged i te āhuareka - tīpakongia tētahi ngohe mā ō ākonga, ā, rukuhia!