4.1 Count dots on 5 black and white cards (without a loop)

Block-based solution

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This is just one of many possible solutions:

when green flag clicked
set [total number of dots v] to [0]
ask [What's your first card (B for black, W for white)?] and wait
if <(answer) = [W]> then
  set [total number of dots v] to ((total number of dots) + (16))
ask [What's your second card (B for black, W for white)?] and wait
if <(answer) = [W]> then
  set [total number of dots v] to ((total number of dots) + (8))
ask [What's your third card (B for black, W for white)?] and wait
if <(answer) = [W]> then
  set [total number of dots v] to ((total number of dots) + (4))
ask [What's your fourth card (B for black, W for white)?] and wait
if <(answer) = [W]> then
  set [total number of dots v] to ((total number of dots) + (2))
ask [What's your fifth card (B for black, W for white)?] and wait
if <(answer) = [W]> then
  set [total number of dots v] to ((total number of dots) + (1))
say (total number of dots)

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